But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

being intentional.

it's Christmas break 2011. i'm sitting at the kitchen table while my two sisters and my best friend play a game of three-person cribbage because i have never learned how to play that game and feel like i would most likely be horrible at it. i supposed i could "branch out" and try it sometime... but i think it would end like sudoku and other games that numbers are far too prevalent in.

it's only tuesday of break, and i have almost three weeks of uninterrupted downtime ahead of me. yes, i agreed to work some hours at the daycare i always work a few hours for, and i will probably also work a few hours for another company i am employed at right now. i have "all quiet on the western front" and "the heart is a lonely hunter" stacked next to my bed so i can make a dent in my list of 100 classic novels to read before i die... and yet i know that there is great potential for this break to be entirely unproductive.

what would i like my break to look like from the other side? full of quality time with my family, friends, and God. i would like to see that i had meaningful conversations with the people i love, that i was a blessing to those around me, and that i did not waste my break. i want to look back and see ways that God grew me over these three weeks. areas of my life that i was convicted to change. things that i surrendered to Him.

on a more shallow level, i also want to look back on this break and see that actually worked out occasionally. one of the worst things about breaks for me is my complete lack of motivation to exercise. some people say hey take a break... but i took a break for the first 19 years of my life, so now is not the time ;)

i want to have finished a few books, grown closer to God, and done something worthwhile over break.

in a nutshell, i want to have been intentional.

what does it mean to be intentional? i guess that i would say instead of letting break blow past and having break happen to me, i want to happen to break. i want to do things.

i just started reading "blue like jazz", which i am really enjoying. i am reading through romans, which is a great book to read and is always convicting. i've had some great conversations with my parents. but i need to continue to make this break worthwhile. i am not entirely sure how to do this. i think one of the main things is to depend on God for this break. to know that He will make things happen, He will use me as He wants. maybe that is simply to do the dishes for my mom and help my dad clean out the basement. maybe it's to have long conversations with people who need to talk. maybe it's spending extended time in prayer. i have no idea. but i am going to surrender what i want to do in this break to God.

Col 3:23: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

1 comment:

Michael said...

So what's the postmortem? :) I always feel like my breaks aren't exactly the most productive.