But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's been way too long...

Oops, I never update this! I just reread a few of my more recent blogs, and I am using the word recent very loosely. I just don't think I'm cut out to be a blogger... but my sister and I said we'd have blogs, so I thought it would be easier just to keep going with this one, even though it's since like junior year of high school (and has about 6 posts)...

Not much has been happening in my life. It is the summer after my sophomore year of high school. I am 19 years old. I have big plans to do not much this summer... working at an internship at an engineering company in my town despite my major being English Education, doing the Insanity 60-day challenge, and reading. A lot. Those are my big summer plans.

Insanity is apparently the hardest workout system ever put on DVDs. So I've got that to look forward to... It's arriving sometime soon. This weekend, perhaps. In which case, the level of dread I will attach to each morning will increase exponentially. I think it gets worse every day... and I will be trying to do it in the morning before work. EW. But actually, I'm excited. I think that it will be a challenge (understatement) and I will end up a stronger (literally and figuratively) person for it. It will be tough, but I'm up for it.

Other than that, my plans are to read a lot of books. I have a project (and a blog about it!) to read 100 classic novels... and so I'm going to try to knock a few of those off the list. And then I also have a bunch of Christian books I want to read. "Crazy Love"by Francis Chan is the first one, and I think it will be arriving in the mail today (along with "Radical" by David Platt).

Speaking of godly things, I think it's interesting that sometime last year, I wrote about wanting to be closer to God, but not being sure how. Well... things worked out better than I could have imagined. Basically, I kept on with my spiritual "drought" until right before Christmas break... December 2010. I don't know what it was, but it all sort of snowballed into me sitting on my bed one night, and I remember just being hit with this question: Who are you living your life for? And I had to choose, then, if it was for God or for me. And I decided to make it about God.

And it's been awesome. No, my life hasn't fallen perfectly into place. In fact, a lot of it is exactly the same. But what matters is what is different. I found so much peace once I started to daily surrender my life to God. And this is something I am still working on, and still trying to perfect (which isn't my job, but I always try to make it my job)... but I am so thankful for the grace God showed me. He opened my eyes to the joy that is found when living life not for myself, but for Him. It's not been an easy or perfect road... I've had to keep reminding myself that my life is not my own, but He's always there with open arms to show me how much better His plan is than mine.

God has been so good this year, and I am so excited to continue living my life for Him, and not for myself. I'm a work in progress, and will be until the day Christ returns, but I'm a work in progress in the right direction, and God has blessed me so much. It's amazing that I was so lost just a few months ago, and I have so much direction and purpose in my life now. That doesn't mean I know what I'm doing with my life. It just means I know that God's doing something with my life, and I'm at peace with that... or at least, I'm letting Him help me to be at peace with that.

Other than my spritual drought ending in God's grace like rain (thank you, Todd Agnew), I also began to get my life in order in other ways. They all basically fell under the umbrella of realizing that I needed to stop living for myself. I began to study not because I wanted to do well in school to be a good student, but because I realized that I needed to work hard at everything in my life for God's glory. And I began to work out and eat right not to lose weight to be beautiful to the world, but to honor the body God gave me, and make it His temple. That's not to say I never eat candy or shirk homework anymore, it's just to say that when you give God your whole life, He changes your whole life. Nothing in my life isn't God's... this has been a great lesson to learn.

So I've lost some weight, gained some knowledge, and been growing closer to the Savior of my soul. Safe to say it's been a good few months.

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