But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Got This Guitar And I Learned How To Make It Talk

I realized the other day that I'd been taking guitar lessons for over a year. It was kind of a shocking realization, because I remember being very frustrated the first few months, thinking that I'd never be able to play more than a convoluted rendition of "Boulevard of Broken Dreams".

This, however, is not the case. I have to admit, I haven't always been completely faithful in my practicing. Especially for the first few months, when I couldn't play anything but Green Day and some very watered down Beatles songs, I was frustrated. I decided I'd rather just learn the piano or something, because this wasn't worth it.

But somehow I stuck with it. I got more into it when I learned how to slowly play songs I like, or at least songs I liked then. I learned "Swing Life Away", "One Year, Six Months", and "We Are Going To Be Friends". These songs I knew and made it fun to play.

But then over the Christmas vacation I sort of fell off the wagon. I stopped practicing for at least a month, maybe two. This wasn't good, and I'd stare at my dusty guitar case and think, "Hmph, I should probably practice soon...."

Over the past few months, I've gotten back into practicing. I recently learned how to play my favorite song in the world, "A Minor Incident" by Badly Drawn Boy. Also, I learned "Wonderwall", which is a classic song for learners, but I'd never learned. I realize why everyone learns it; it's pretty easy but it still sounds really good.

So while my journey hasn't always been easy or fun, I feel as though I've weathered the worst of the storm, and now I know at least that I can make a few songs come out of my good ol' guitar.

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