But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’

Friday, January 8, 2010

it's late, the road is long...

i don't know why i decided to put a quote from bilbo baggins as the title. i just love lord of the rings.

right now, my phalanges are freezing and enya is singing "only time" softly... i mean, it's 1:45 in the morning and i have an alarm set for 9:25... which, while on christmas break, is very early.

however, it IS late, and the road IS long...the road back to ames, that is. and i have to be ready for sunday morning. er-- tomorrow morning. ugh ewwww ugh. going back to college is something i am not super excited for.

you know what is crazy? i'm taking five english classes this semester! FIVE!!! i mean, i know it's my major and everything, but goodness.

i was looking at the 18 books i had to buy off amazon today...and there are 3 more coming.

the classes i am taking are:

english literature of the renaissance

english literature of the classical/romantic period

intro to linguistics

the teaching of youth lit

creative writing: poetry

i am excited...but nervous.

about 8 of the books are youth lit that i'll have to read for the class.

maybe five of them are poetry books.

there are like four for the classical lit class so far.

and just one lonely one for linguistics

and two for renaissance.

but there are three more coming...so i'm not worried. linguistics will probably get backup.

this is boring, but i am a little nervous about next semester. it is going to be SO much reading and writing!! woah.... and, on top of that, i'm going to try to become employed. so i actually have an income. being a starving artist...(or at least getting the same wages as a starving artist) wasn't as romantic as i thought it would be. mostly i just learned that i didn't value my money the way i should have... as in i threw it out the window on a whim all the time. dumb. should have saved it for "the semester of no cash flow" as i like to call last semester.

oh man, college is just wayyy different from high school.

but i like it.

it feels just a teeeeeeeeny bit more like real life.

well. it is late, and the road is long. and i have miles to go before i sleep. and never tell anybody anything, if you do you start missing everybody. and to thine own self be true. and a bunch of other random allusions to famous literature i can't think of right now.

good night. God bless you, every one. =]